This is a graphic design and visual fx project for the short film titled "F.37".
The movie was shot in the first week of June 2012, in the international short film workshop titled "Get Your Own Picture", commissioned by Kultur & Art Initiative Detmold. The workshop was a sub-event of ISSF International Detmold Short Film Festival which is an annual organisation; 2012 was the 8th year. In this workshop, people from many different countries are gathered together and make their own short movies in a week.
Our team during the workshop consisted of Adriana Dumon, Olmo Sobrino, Alper Yıldırım, Bora Alp Arat and Sandra Solorzano, the actor was Francesc Olivé Gonzàlez. The prototype version of the movie is finished in 11th of June 2012. To improve the vfx and design quality, extra production schedule was added outside the workshop process and Doğa Uslu joined our ranks as a CG artist.
Graphic design and 2D motion graphics by Alper Yıldırım
3D animations and modellings by Doğa Uslu
A strange man in the middle of the woods. Some human objects organized and stored. F·37 came to to analyze this awkward human being who lives in planet earth. Alone in his base he fixes his temporary human body and prepares his trip.

The strange man uses an interface when he accesses into the computers. This interface is shown with a system of signs and symbols, probably the AI of their technology. For this interface, we created a visual identity of a sign system belonging to an enigmatic civilization. This system was used in the designed elements in the movie and on the poster.
This sign system is a typographic study for an alphabet-like cryptic set, containing 16 unique characters.
The set has no intention of making semiotic relations in / between characters; there is no connotation for any third-party message. The motivation was to stylize a neat, almost "naive" visuals. The signs were to have an "unearthly" look which will drive the audience to receive an atmosphere of an alien technology. The general idea for the style was to blend thin strokes with each other and combine them with geometrical shapes, of course with a cultivated usage of negative space.
-Alper Yıldırım

Poster design by Alper Yıldırım
Hand figure by Doğa Uslu.

Signs, Designed by Alper Yıldırım

The GIF animation loops shown below, are the scenes of our strange man getting a medical examination / treatment on his entire body. These scenes can be considered as the interface of an this alien technology, screened by 90's retro computer displays.

At the end of the movie, we see an unearthly mass, apparently a space shuttle taking off.
While designing the construct, we thought the shuttle, should be far devoid of any machine-like quality in the exposed core, which beats like a heart. The exterior consists of an array by of orbs, surrounding a pyramid structure to balance the shuttle. The organic core appears to be in contrast with the smooth movements of the exterior which resembles clockwork.
-Doğa Uslu

Hasty version of the whole animation.